Hi everyone,

Thanks for the great discussion and workshop today on food system activism, organizing and on the topic of social transformation. I have included some follow up literature below if you’re interested in learning more. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or if you want to get involved in the meeting I mentioned on food activism and Sharing the Table Manitoba happening at the end of July – colin.anderson@coventry.ac.uk.

Best wishes,


Case studies and discussion

  1. Sustainable consumption – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dmj6rf2ANo
  2. Protest – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TqLyC8EFok
  3. Advocacy – Sharing the Table Manitoba
  4. Education: LRCE course and Building a Commons Course
  5. Corporate social responsibility – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ6QGesUWAQ
  6. Spanish autonomous gardens