AgroecologyNow! publishes a range of different materials for a diversity of audience including researchers, activists, policy-makers and practitioners. See below for links to food sovereignty, food justice, resilience and agroecology publications.
2023 Agroecology Publications
Tornaghi C., McAllister G., Moeller N., Pedersen M. (2023), “Building Medicinal Agroecology: Conceptual grounding for healing of rifts”, Chapter 1, in Fiebrig I. N. (ed.), Medicinal Agroecology, CRC press; pp. 3-16
Milgroom, J., Kabra S., and Wilmsen, B. (2023). Saying No to development-forced displacement and resettlement: myths and alternatives. CAWR Policy Brief series.
McAllister, G., Bhatasara, S., Claeys, P., Howard, J., Lemke, S., MacKinnon, K., Moeller, N.I. (2023). Editorial: Participatory action research in a time of COVID and beyond. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Volume 7.
(2023) Nature-Based Solutions and Agroecology: Business as Usual or an Opportunity for Transformative Change?, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 65:1, 15-22
2022 Agroecology Publications
Pimbert, M.P. (2022). Transforming food and agriculture: Competing visions and major controversies. Mondes en Développement Vol.50-2022/3-4 n°199-200: 361-384
Singh, J. (2022). Monitoring social inclusion and the right to food and nutrition in Europe. FIAN International.
Claeys, P. , Van Dyck, B. (2022). Navigating Dreams and Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe. European Coordination Via Campesina Youth Articulation. (Also available in French and Spanish)
Jessica Milgroom and Csilla Kiss. (2022). New podcast episode: Where Indigenous feminisms and food sovereignties meet. AgroecologyNow blog & podcast.
Colin Anderson, Ernesto Mendez, Patrick Mulvany and Faris Ahmed. (2022). Agroecology – A promising alternative to the Biodiversity crisis in Agriculture and Industrial Food Systems. AgroecologyNow blog.
Claeys, P & Singh, J. (2022). “Spirituality is deeply anti-systemic”: An interview with Indigenous Thinker Antonio Gonzalez from the Aj Mayon Collective in Guatemala. AgroecologyNow blog.
Claeys, P. & Singh, J. (2022). Spirituality is key to building solidarity: An interview with La Via Campesina’s Nettie Wiebe. AgroecologyNow blog. (read Spanish version here)
Claeys, P., Lemke, S. & Camacho, J. (2022), ‘Editorial: Women’s Communal Land Rights‘, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 6, 877545, pp. 1-3.
Claeys, P. and D. Delgado Pugley. (2022). Promoting the Participation of Affected Communities in Global Climate Arrangements. CJDS Policy Brief Series. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Canada.
McAllister, G. (2022). Gaza’s food system has been stretched to breaking point by Israel. The Conversation
McAllister, G. (2022). Gaza’s food systems under siege. AgroecologyNow blog.
Milgroom, J., Senogles, S., Craft, A. & Schaefer, M. (2022). Harvesting is an act of indigenous food sovereignty. AgroecologyNow blog.
Milgroom, J. & Drewes, A. (2022). Putting Indigenous knowledge into practice for climate change: The Tribal Adaptation Menu. AgroecologyNow blog.
Milgroom, J. & Van Dyck, B. (2022). What does feminism have to do with food? AgroecologyNow blog, animation & podcast (AgroecologyNow & CIDSE collaboration).
Milgroom, J. & Quintanar, E. (2022). Felipe, las chinampas and policies for agroecology in Mexico City. AgroecologyNow blog. (read Spanish version here)
Anderson, C.R., McCune, N., Buccini, G., Mendez, V.E., Carasco, A., Caswell, M., Blume, S., & Ahmed, F. (2022). Working Together for Agroecology Transitions. Perspectives on Agroecology Transitions – No. 3. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC), University of Vermont.
Anderson, C., Maughan, C. & Blume, S. (2022). Embracing critical friendship through agroecology transitions. AgroeclogyNow blog.
Tittonell, P., El Mujtar, V., Félix, G.F., Kebede, Y., Laborda, L., Luján Soto, R. & de Vente, J. (2022) Regenerative agriculture—agroecology without politics? Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:844261.
Félix, G.F. & Sanfiorenzo, A. (2022) Learning Agroecology Online During COVID-19. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:821514.
Félix, G. (2022). A Puerto Rican recipe for Food Sovereignty. Mint Magazine.
Vandermaelen, H., Dehaene, M., Tornaghi, C., Vanempten, E., & Verhoeve, A. (2022). Public land for urban food policy? A critical data-analysis of public land transactions in the Ghent city region (Belgium). European Planning Studies. Paper published open access online.
Maughan, C. (2022). Weeds: what can they tell us about our soils? AgroecologyNow blog.
Maughan, C. (2022). ‘You can’t manage what you can’t feel’: Finding new ways to assess diverse and novel wheat varieties. AgroecologyNow blog.
Pimbert, M.P. (2022). Reclaiming Diverse Seed Commons Through Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Economies of Care. In: Nishikawa Y., Pimbert M. (eds) Seeds for Diversity and Inclusion. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham [Open Access]
Nishikawa, Y. and Michel Pimbert (eds). (2022). Seeds For Diversity and Inclusion: Agroecology and Endogenous Development. Palgrave MacMillan, Cham. [Open Access]
Pimbert, M.P. (2022). Citizens’ Juries. In: Patricia Leavy (Ed). Popularizing Scholarly Research: Working with Non-academic Stakeholders, Teams, and Communities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pimbert, M. and Barry, B. (2022). L’Espace Citoyen d’Interpellation Démocratique sur les OGM au Mali: Que le peuple décide. [adapted from Pimbert, M.P and Barry, B., 2021. Let the people decide: citizen deliberation on the role of GMOs in Mali’s agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values 38, 1097–1122]
Pimbert, M. (2022), Avant propos, in Barbier, M., Lamine, C., Couix, N. (dir.) Pratiques et savoirs agricoles dans la transition agroécologique. Editions des archives contemporaines, Coll. «Etudes des sciences et Histoire des techniques», France, ISBN: 9782813003560, pp. 1-2.
2021 Agroecology Publications
Claeys, P. & Singh, J. (2021). “Spirituality has been a common glue”: An interview with La Via Campesina’s Paul Nicholson. AgroecologyNow blog (read Spanish version here).
Canfield, M., Duncan, J. & Claeys, P. (2021). Reconfiguring Food Systems Governance: the UNFSS and the Battle Over Authority and Legitimacy. AgroecologyNow blog.
Maughan, C. (2021). COP26- Caught in a Net: Agriculture, Climate Change and the Decarbonisation Agenda. AgroecologyNow blog.
Milgroom, J. (2021). Linking food and feminisms: learning from decolonial movements. AgroecologyNow blog.
Nyaba, S., Swanby, H. & Lemke, S. (2021). Transforming Cape Town’s Covid soup kitchens into spaces of dignity – a community vision. AgroecologyNow blog & podcast.
AgroecologyNow Collective. (2021). Statement in solidarity with the Palestinian People.
AgroecologyNow Collective. (2021). Statement in Solidarity With Farmer Protests In India.
Arora, Saurabh, and Barbara Van Dyck. “Refusal as Radical Care? Moving Beyond Modern Industrial Agriculture.” Development (2021): 1-7.
Van Dyck, Barbara, and Nettie Wiebe. “The Reassurance of the Unknown: A Conversation with Nettie Wiebe.” Development (2021): 1-6.
Sharma, Divya, and Barbara Van Dyck. (2021) “Thinking through the lens of the other: Translocal agroecology conversations.” In Agroecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions, pp. 267-288. Peter Lang AG.
Claeys, P. and J. Bourke Martignoni. (2021). Women Are Peasants Too: Gender Equality and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. CAWR Policy Briefs. Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, United Kingdom.
Claeys, P. & Duncan, J. (2021). Failure to Engage: Civil Society Marginalized in UN Food Summit. AgroecologyNow blog.
Claeys, P. & Duncan, J. (2021) Power to the Elites? Multistakeholderism and the UN Food Systems Summit. AgroecologyNow blog.
Pimbert, M.P. (2021). Regenerating Kurdish Ecologies through Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Economies of Care. In: Stephen Hunt (Ed). Ecological Solidarity in the Kurdish Freedom Movement. Thought, Practice, Challenges, and Opportunities. London: Lexington Books, pp. 115-132.
Pimbert, M.P., Anderson, C.R., Moeller, N., Singh, J. Agroecology. (2021). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. [Link to pre-publication version: Agroecology OREA 2021]
Anderson, C.R., Delvaux, F., Ahmed, F., Dauby, V., Moeller, N. (2021). Making Money Move for Agroecology: Transforming Development Aid to Support Agroecology. CIDSE and the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience. Also see video/animation.
Pimbert, M.P., Barry, B.(2021). Let the people decide: citizen deliberation on the role of GMOs in Mali’s agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values.
Canfield, M., Duncan, J., Claeys, P. (2021). Reconfiguring Food Systems Governance: the UNFSS and the Battle Over Authority and Legitimacy. Development.
Coulibaly, M., Claeys, P. and Berson, A. (2021). The Right to Seeds and Legal Mobilization for the Protection of Peasant Seed Systems in Mali. Journal of Human Rights Practice.
Van Dyck, B., Kenis, A. and Stirling, A. (2021). The genetically modified organism shall not be refused? Talking back to the technosciences. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
Van Dyck, B. (2021). The stories we trust: regulating genome edited organisms. AgroecologyNow blog.
Tornaghi, C. and Dehaene, M. (2021). Resourcing an agroecological urbanism. Political, transformational and territorial dimensions, London: Routledge.
Anderson, C.R. and C. Maughan (2021). ‘The Innovation Imperative’: the struggle over agroecology in the international food policy arena. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Anderson, C.R. and C. Maughan (2021). Down with Innovation! Long live rights, agency and justice. AgroecologyNow blog.
McAllister, G. & Chikukwa, Z. (2021). Conversations with Nature Spirits: The Political Ecology of Power and Progress in Rural Zimbabwe. In Wright, J (ed) Subtle Agroecologies: Farming with the Hidden Half of Nature. Routledge (pre-print attached)
Talleh Nkobou, A., Ainslie, A. & Lemke, S. 2021. Broken promises: a rights-based analysis of marginalised livelihoods and experiences of food insecurity in large-scale land investments in Tanzania. Food Sec.
Tornaghi, C. and Dehaene, M. (2021). Introduction. Embracing political agroecology, transforming sustainable food planning. In: Tornaghi, C., Dehaene, M. (eds.) (2021). Resourcing an agroecological urbanism: political, transformational and territorial dimensions. London. Routledge
Deh-Tor, C.M. (Chiara Tornaghi and Michiel Dehaene) (2021). Chapter 1 – Food as an urban question, and the foundations of a reproductive, agroecological urbanism. In: Tornaghi C. and Dehaene M. (eds.) (2021) Resourcing an agroecological urbanism: political, transformational and territorial dimensions. London. Routledge
Dehaene, M. and Tornaghi, C. (2021). Conclusions. The programmatic dimension on an agroecological urbanism. In: Tornaghi, C. and Dehaene, M. (eds.) (2021) Resourcing an agroecological urbanism: political, transformational and territorial dimensions. London. Routledge.
2020 Agroecology Publications
Gadzirayi, C., McAllister, G., Madanzi, T., Chikukwa, T., Kozanayi, W., and Goss, M. (2020) Potential of agroecological systems for reducing vulnerabilities to disaster risks. In Building Resilience to Natural Disasters in Populated African Mountain Ecosystems: The Case of Tropical Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani, Manatsa, D., and Chatiza, (Eds), TSURO Trust, August 2020; ISBN 177925489-4
McAllister, G. (2020) Participatory Action Research: Challenges and Rewards in Fifteen Field Lessons. In Mac Ginty, R., Brett, R., Vogel, B. (Eds.) The Companion to Peace and Conflict Field Work. Palgrave-Macmillan Ltd.(pre-print attached)
AgroecologyNow Collective. Statement in solidarity with anti-racism struggles in the US and beyond. AgroecologyNow blog.
Claeys, P. and Peschard, K. (2020). Transnational agrarian movements, food sovereignty, and legal mobilization. The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology.
Duncan, J. and Claeys, P. (2020). Gender, Covid-19 and Food Systems: Impacts, Community responses and feminist policy demands. Report for the Women’s Working Group of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism.
Errico, S. and Claeys, P. (2020). Human Rights and the Commons: Exploring Approaches to the Governance of Land and Natural Resources beyond Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. The Case of Peasants. International journal on minority and group rights 27 (1), 1-33.
Anderson, C.R., Bruil, J., Chappell, J., Kiss, C., Pimbert, M.P. (2020). Transformations for a More Just and Sustainable Food Systems. Palgrave-MacMillan.
Saurabh A., Van Dyck, B., Sharma, D. & A. Stirling (2020). Control, care, and conviviality in the politics of technology for sustainability, Sustainability. Science, Practice and Policy, 16:1, 247-262
Anderson, C.R. Milgroom, J. and M.P. Pimbert. (2020). Pivoting from Local Food to Just Food Systems. Farming Matters. 36.1. P. 43.
Moeller, N. and F. Delvaux. (2020). Finance for Agroecology: More Than Just a Dream? Common Dreams.
Tornaghi, C. and Dehaene, M. (2020). The prefigurative power of urban political agroecology: rethinking the urbanisms of agroecological transitions for food system transformation. Agroecology and sustainable food systems. 44(5), 594-610.
Gennari, C. and Tornaghi C. (2020). The transformative potential of community kitchens for an agroecological urbanism. Preliminary insights and a research agenda. In: Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown. Food planning for the post-carbon city. Book of Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference of the AESOP Sustainable food planning group. Madrid, November 2019. Editorial Universidad de Granada. pp. 80-90.
Anderson, C.R. and M. Anderson. (2020). Looking Forward: Resources to inspire a transformative agroecology: a curated guide. In: Herren, H.Haerlin, B. and IIASTD+ 10 Advisory Group. Transformation of our food systems; The making of a paradigm shift. Berlin. Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft and Biovision.
Rivera-Ferre, M. Claeys, P. and J. Duncan (2020). The importance of Food Sovereignty for the Farm to Fork strategy and the New Green Deal. Insights and limits of the SAM and SAPEA reports. Academic Brief.
Maughan, C., Anderson, C., & Kneafsey, M. (2020). A Five-Point Framework for Reading for Social Justice: A Case Study of Food Policy Discourse in the Context of Brexit Britain. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(3), 1-20.
Chappell, M.J. (2020). COVID, food, and the Parable of the Shmoo. Agriculture and Human Values.
Anderson, C.R., Pimbert, M., Chappell, M.J., Brem-Wilson, J., Claeys, P., Kiss, C., Maughan, C., Milgroom, J., McAllister, G., Moeller, N., and Singh, J. (2020). Agroecology Now – Connecting the Dots to Enable Agroecology. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 43(6).
Anderson, C. R., Bruil, J., Chappell, M. J., Kiss, C., & Pimbert, M. P. (2020). Scaling Agroecology from the Bottom up: Six Domains of Transformation. Food First, CAWR, Cultivate Backgrounder.
2019 Agroecology Publications
McAllister, G. & Wright, J. (2019) Agroecology as a Practice-Based Tool for Peacebuilding in Fragile Environments? Three Stories from Rural Zimbabwe. Sustainability 11(3).
Van Dyck, B.; Tornaghi, C., Halder, S., von der Haide, E., Saunders, E.(2019): The making of a strategizing platform: from politicising the food movement in urban contexts to political urban agroecology. In: Tornaghi C., CertomàC., (eds) (2019) Urban Gardening as Politics. Routledge. Chapter 10.
Pimbert, M.P. and T. Uhnak, 2019. Agroecology and food sovereignty: charting a way to a radical transformation of the food system. In: Burrows, D. and A. Cezar (Eds). Politics of Food. Sternberg Press.
Anderson, C. R., Bruil, J., Chappell, M. J., Kiss, C., & Pimbert, M. P. (2019). From Transition to Domains of Transformation: Getting to Sustainable and Just Food Systems through Agroecology. Sustainability, 11(19). Open Access.

Domains of Transformation from article in Sustainability.
Pimbert, M.P. and G. Borrini-Feyerabend, 2019. Nourishing life— territories of life and food sovereignty,
Policy Brief of the ICCA Consortium no. 6., ICCA Consortium, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University and CENESTA, Tehran.
Meek, D. and C.R. Anderson. (2019). Scale and the Politics of the Organic Transition in Sikkim, India. Journal of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
Bruil, J. and P. Gubbels. 2019. Scaling Agroecology in the Sahel: Good Practice.
Claeys, P. and Edelman, E. (2019). Grassroots Voices. The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas. Journal of Peasant Studies.
Anderson, C.R., Maughan, C. and Pimbert, M.P. (2019). Aprendizaje agroecológico transformador en Europa: Creación de conciencia, habilidades y capacidad colectiva para la soberanía alimentaria. Revista. 37, 54-55.
Chappell, J. (2019). Continuing on the Road to Ending Hunger. Food First Backgrounder.
Milgroom, J., Anderson, C.R., Chappell, M.J. (2019). A Guide to Mapping For Food System Change. The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience and Cultivate! Coventry, UK.
Anderson, C. R., Bruil, J., Chappell, M. J., Kiss, C., & Pimbert, M. P. (2019). From Transition to Domains of Transformation: Getting to Sustainable and Just Food Systems through Agroecology. Sustainability, 11(19). Open Access.
Anderson, C. R., Binimelis, R., Pimbert, M. P., & Rivera-Ferre, M. G. (2019). Introduction to the symposium on critical adult education in food movements: learning for transformation in and beyond food movements—the why, where, how and the what next? Agriculture and Human Values, 36(3).
Pimbert, M. (2018). Global status of agroecology: a perspective on current practices, potential and challenges. Economic and Political Weekly, 53(41), 52-57.
Bruil, J., Anderson, C.R., Bernhart, A. and M.P. Pimbert (2019). Strengthening FAO’s Commitment to Agroecology. Reclaiming Diversity and Citizenship Series. Coventry: Coventry University.
Anderson, C.R., Maughan, C. and M.P. Pimbert (2019). Transformative Agroecology Learning in Europe: Building Consciousness, Skills and Collective Capacity for Food Sovereignty. Journal of Agriculture and Human Values, Open Access.
Maughan, C., & Ferrando, T. (2019). Land as a Commons: examples from the UK and Italy. In J. L. Vivero, T. Ferrando, & O. De Schutter (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Food as a Commons Routledge.
Pimbert, M. (2019). Food Sovereignty. In P. Ferranti, E. Berry, & A. Jock (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Food Security and Sustainability (1 ed., Vol. 3, pp. 181-189). Elsevier.
Recanati, F., Maughan, C., Pedrotti, M., Dembska, K., & Antonelli, M. (2019) Assessing the role of CAP for more sustainable and healthier food systems in Europe: A literature review. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 908-919.
2018 Agroecology Publications
Van Dyck, B., Vankeerberghen, A., Massart, E., Maughan, N., and Visser, M. (2018). Institutionalization of participatory food system research: encouraging reflexivity and collective relational learning. Agroecología 13(1), 21-32.
Pimbert, M. P. (2018). Constructing Knowledge for Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Biocultural Diversity. Food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity: constructing and contesting knowledge. London: Routledge. In M. P. Pimbert (Ed.), Food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity. Constructing and contesting knowledge (pp. 259–321). London: Routledge.
Pimbert, M. P. (2018). Democratizing knowledge and ways of knowing for food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity. In M. P. Pimbert (Ed.), Food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity. Constructing and contesting knowledge (pp. 259–321). London: Routledge.
Anderson, C., Maughan, C. Bernhart, A., Friso, J., Thomas, K. (2018) Farm Hack. Agroecology Learning for Transformation – Pedagogies, Tools and Dynamics Series. European Agroecology Knowledge Exchange Network. Available at:
Chappell, M. J. (2018) Beginning to end hunger: Food and the environment in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and beyond. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Chappell, M. J., Bernhart, A., Bachmann, L., Gonçalves, A. L., Seck, S., Nandul, P., & Cristo dos Santos, A. (2018) Agroecology as a pathway towards sustainable food systems. Aachen: MISEREOR.
Claeys, P. (2018) The rise of new rights for peasants. From reliance on NGO intermediaries to direct representation. Transnational Legal Theory, 1-14
Claeys, P. & Duncan, J. (2018) Do we need to categorize it? Reflections on constituencies and quotas as tools for negotiating difference in the global food sovereignty convergence space. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-22.
Duncan, J., & Claeys, P. (2018) Politicizing food security governance through participation: opportunities and opposition. Food Security, 10(6), 1411-1424.
Finley, L., Chappell, M. J., Moore, J. R., & Thiers, P. (2018) Does organic farming present greater opportunities for employment and community development than conventional farming? A survey-based investigation in California and Washington. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(5), 552-572.
Halpert, M.-T., & Chappell, M. J. (2017) Prima facie reasons to question enclosed intellectual property regimes and favor open-source regimes for germplasm [version 1; referees: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research, 6(284).
Joshi, D., Platteeuw, J., Singh, J., & Teoh, J. (2018) Watered down? Civil society organizations and hydropower development in the Darjeeling and Sikkim regions, Eastern Himalaya: A comparative study. Climate Policy, 1-15.
Levkoe, C. Z., Brem-Wilson, J. & Anderson, C. R. (2018) People, power, change: three pillars of a food sovereignty research praxis. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-24. Open Access.
Maughan, C. (2018) ‘Food from Nowhere’: Food, Fuel and the Fantastical. Open Library of Humanities, 4(1).
Maughan, C., Anderson, C., Bernhart, A., Friso, J., Thomas, K. (2018) Learning as a Social Movement Strategy. Agroecology Learning for Transformation – Pedagogies, Tools and Dynamics Series. European Agroecology Knowledge Exchange Network. Available at:
Pimbert, M. (2018) Global Status of Agroecology: A Perspective on Current Practices, Potential and Challenges. Review of Environment and Development, 53(41), 32-57
Maughan, C., Pedersen, R. L., & Pitt, H. (2018). The problems, promise and pragmatism of community food growing. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-5.
Pimbert, M.P. (2018) Food Sovereignty and the regeneration of terraced landscapes. Annales. Series Historia and Sociologia, 28(4):779-794.Pimbert, M.P. (2018) Democratising food and agricultural research. In: Food Ethics Council. ‘For whom? Questioning the food and farming research agenda’.
Pimbert, M. and Anderson, C.R. (2018) The battle for the future of farming: what you need to know. The Conversation. Nov. 21, 2018.
Pimbert, M.P., & Lemke, S. (2018) Using agroecology to enhance dietary diversity. UNSCN-News: Advancing equity, equality and non-discrimination in food systems: Pathways to reform, 2018(45): 33-43.
Pimbert, M.P.; Moeller, N.I. (2018) Absent Agroecology Aid: On UK Agricultural Development Assistance Since 2010. Sustainability, 10, 505.
Wittman, H., Chappell, M. J., Abson, D. J., Bezner Kerr, R., Blesh, J., Hanspach, J., Perfecto, I., and Fischer, J. (2017) A social–ecological perspective on harmonizing food security and biodiversity conservation.Regional Environmental Change, 17(5), 1291-1301.
2017 Agroecology Publications
Tornaghi, C.(2017). Urban Agriculture in the food-disabling city: (Re) defining urban food justice, reimagining a politics of empowerment.Antipode. 49 (3), 781–801.
Tornaghi, C. and Hoekstra, F. (2017). Editorial to a special issue on Urban Agroecology. Urban Agriculture Magazine. RUAF. No. 33, pp. 3-4.
Deh-Tor, C.M. (2017). From Agriculture in the City to an Agroecological Urbanism: The transformative pathway of urban (political) agroecology.Urban Agriculture Magazine. RUAF. No. 33, pp. 8-10.
Anderson, C. and Butterly, D. (2017) Policy From Below for Food Sovereignty and Agroecology: The People’s Food Policy Process in England.
Anderson, C., Maughan, C. Vizy, M., and R. Dunn, Pimbert, M. (2017) Agroecology Learning and Training for Solidarity.
Butterly, D., Fitzpatrick, I., Rodker, O, Laughton, R., Anderson, C.R., Chow, H., Simpson, L. and A. Goldring (2017) A People’s Food Policy.
Chappell, M. J. & Schneider, M. L. (2017) The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. Rawlinson, M. C. & Ward, C. (eds.). New York, NY: Routledge, p. 419-429 11 p. (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Ethics)
Laforge, J. M. L., Anderson, C. R., & McLachlan, S. M. (2017) Governments, grassroots, and the struggle for local food systems: containing, coopting, contesting and collaborating. Agriculture and Human Values. Download Pre-print Version Here
Maughan, C., Anderson, C. and M. Pimbert. (2017) Transformative Agroecology Learning in Europe: Building Consciousness, Skills and Collective Capacity for Food Sovereignty.
Pimbert, M. (2017) Towards a transformative urban agroecology. Urban Agriculture Magazine. p. 15-17 3 p.
Pimbert, M. (2017) Agroecology as an Alternative Vision to Conventional Development and Climate Smart Agriculture. Development. 58, *2-3):. 286-298.
Vaarst, M., Getz Escudero, A., Chappell, M. J., Brinkley, C., Nijbroek, R., Arraes, N. A. M., Andreasen, L., Gattinger, A., Fonseca de Almeida, G., Bossio, D. & Halberg, N. (2017). Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 42, 6, p. 686-711 26 p.
Anderson, C.R., Silivay. J. and K. Lobe. (2017) Community organisations for food systems change: reflecting on food movement dynamics in Manitoba. In: People’s Knowledge Editorial Collective (Eds). (2017). Everyday Experts: How people’s knowledge can transform the food system. Reclaiming Diversity and Citizenship Series. Coventry: Coventry University. Available at:
2016 Agroecology Publications
Wakeford, T., Anderson, C.R., Pimbert, M.P. and R. Charanya. (2016) Perspectives: Strengthening people’s knowledge. Farming Matters.
Anderson, C. R., & McLachlan, S. M. (2016) Transformative research as knowledge mobilization: Transmedia, bridges, and layers. Action Research, 14(3), 295-317.
2015 Agroecology Publications
Anderson, C. R., Pimbert, M. and C. Kiss (2015) Building, Defending and Strengthening Agroecology: Global Struggles for Food Sovereignty. Farming Matters. Related video available here. Translations: Français and Español
2014 Agroecology Publications
Levidow, L. , Pimbert, M. and Vanloqueren, G. (2014) Agroecological research: conforming – or transforming the dominant agro-food regime? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, volume 38 (10): 1127-1155
Anderson, C. R., McLachlan, S. M., McDonald, W., & Gardiner, J. (2014) Navigating the fault lines in civic food networks. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 4(3), 79–99.
Anderson, C. R., Brushett, L., Gray, T. W., & Renting, H. (2014) Working together to build cooperative food systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 4(3), 3-9.